Vulneror non Vincor
All of the information I have has been gathered by many people, who have invested time and, in many cases, money, to obtain and collate that information. There is a lot of information still out there which you may have already accessed - if so, please share it with everyone else - if you have any family trees, details of wills or even any details of famous Muschamps, please let me know and, if possible, I will make them available via this website, to the larger Muschamp audience - please e-mail the details to me.
Most of the information I have which is not on this web site, is in the form of hand written family tree’s and records of wills, I have not yet managed to index it all, so I probably have a lot of information that I do not even know I have, but I think this is probably the same for most amateur family history scholars.
Most of my information is in relation to the English branches of the family and, where possible, I will try to assist with your enquiries. If you have queries relating to other countries, I may not be able to help, but I may be able to put you in touch with someone who can.